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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Clinique Pinel refurbishment due to start

25 April 2013

The refurbishment of facilities at Clinique Pinel in St Saviour is due to start next month.  The Assistant Treasury Minister has approved the tender and drawings for the work to remodel the building, which will cost an estimated ÂŁ2.9 million.

Clinique Pinel provides facilities for the assessment, treatment and respite for people suffering from mental health problems. Beech Ward provides 17 beds for people who need assessment and treatment for various types of dementia, while Cedar Ward provides 17 beds for the assessment and treatment of people with conditions like depression, psychosis and anxiety.

Upgrading facilities

Recent reports have found these facilities are outdated and in a poor state of repair, and need significant work to meet current standards. This project will upgrade the existing building, refurbish the interior and improve infection control standards and fire prevention to better meet the needs of patients.
The Assistant Treasury Minister, Deputy Eddie Noel, said “I am pleased we can now start work on this project. This is a three-way win. Not only will it mean a better and safer environment for some of our most vulnerable islanders, we are getting good value for this project and it will also provide work for local business and labour.”

Essential work

The Assistant Minister for Health and Social Services, Connétable John Refault, said “This work is sorely needed and I am grateful to the Treasury Minister for providing the finances to undertake this essential work at Clinique Pinel.

“The health, safety and wellbeing of our patients, along with clinical excellence, is uppermost in our minds and this initiative helps support our work.”

Capital funding

The Treasury Minister, Senator Philip Ozouf added “I am determined to make sure the money allocated for capital infrastructure is spent promptly. This is a good example of getting allocated funds out in the community, working for Jersey, rather than sitting in a bank, where it is providing no fiscal stimulus for the island.”
Work is programmed to start on this project before the end of May, with a target completion date of May 2014. While the work is carried out patients are being cared for in Rosewood House. Oak Ward has relocated to the Overdale site.
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