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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Jersey rises to the Cycle Challenge

10 June 2013

​More than 700 people and over 30 organisations have signed up for Cycle Challenge Jersey, including major employers and various States departments.
The Challenge is for all employees, whether they already cycle or haven’t been on a bike for years. The idea is that a person cycles at a time that suits them, even if it’s only for ten minutes. To make sure their bike rides contribute towards their workplace’s success, they must record the details on the Cycle Challenge website.

Try-a-bike session

During the three week period from Monday 10 June to Sunday 30 June, it’s hoped that even more people will choose to get involved. One way to get back in the saddle is to come along to a try-a-bike session. This starts today (10 June) and will take place every Monday during the challenge at La Fregate CafĂ© between 12.30 and 2.30pm, where a qualified cycling instructor will lead a gentle cycle ride along the cycle track. Bikes and helmets will be provided, as well as a free ice cream for all of those who get back in the saddle. Anyone wishing to attend can book a space with the Transport Awareness and Challenge coordinator, Ania Deichsel.
Cycle Challenge Jersey is a competition to encourage people to take to get on their bikes and discover the joys and benefits of cycling. Workplaces are competing in one of six different size categories to see which can get the most employees cycling for just 10 minutes. Participants can win one of a number of prizes donated by local businesses.
Cycle Challenge coordinator, Ania Deichsel, explained “We’ve been overwhelmed by the level of interest for Cycle Challenge Jersey. It’s fantastic to have so many organisations involved and we have already surpassed our registration targets.
"If you haven’t signed up yet and still want to compete, don’t worry, you can register your team on the website at any time during the three week Challenge. It just means that you and your fellow team members will have to cycle extra hard to catch up with those who’ve had a head start. Those that perform best will be the ones who introduce the most employees to cycle over the of the 3 week Challenge period. We’ll be monitoring their performance closely on the website. Good luck everyone!”​
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