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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Swimmers warned of sewage spill at Dicq

29 July 2013

Due to the intense rainfall earlier this afternoon, the drainage system was unable to cope in the Dicq area and there was a diluted sewage spill into the sea for 30 minutes.
As a precaution, Transport and Technical Services (TTS) is advising the public not swim or fish in the area of the Dicq slipway today (29 July 2013).
TTS also advises not to take anything from the beach such as shells etc and to wash hands carefully if you’ve been in the area.
The tide will refresh the beach overnight and swimming can resume tomorrow.
Drainage systems are not able to cope with all rainfall conditions and in extreme circumstances do discharge into the sea. This is also the case with drainage systems in the UK, which can discharge into inland waterways in similar circumstances.
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