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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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First Tower receives healthy school award

05 February 2013

First Tower primary school has been recognised for their work in developing and promoting health within their school and presented with their Healthy Schools Award by the Minister for Health and Social Services, Anne Pryke, along with special guests Sally Minty-Gravett, Will Partington and Davide Pita.

To celebrate their achievement, the school was presented with their certificate and plaque at an assembly yesterday (February 5) which featured songs, poems and posters to reflect the schoolā€™s feelings about being a healthy school.

Other primary schools to have achieved Healthy Schools Status are:

  • Les Landes
  • La Moye
  • Plat Douet
  • St. Lukeā€™s
  • Rouge Bouillon
  • St. Mary
  • Trinity
  • Janvrin
  • St. Clement
  • St. John


Head teacher at First Tower, Di Hooper, said "We are absolutely delighted to have earned this award. Over the last four years the whole school community has worked together on all the many aspects of being a really healthy school. Well done to Miss Le Gall and the pupils who make up the healthy schools team for working so hard with promoting all the areas of health and well-being for us. Also, a big well done and thank you to all the pupils, parents, staff and friends of the school who have supported our work. We see this award ceremony as a time to celebrate and thank everyone who has been involved and we will continue to build on this Healthy Schools Status."

Head of Health Improvement, Andrew Heaven added "We know that health behaviours formed in childhood often continue through to adulthood. The Healthy Schools Programme supports pupils and staff in making informed decisions about keeping themselves healthy, both physically and emotionally, which should have a positive impact on their future lives."

Healthy Schools Programme

The Healthy Schools programme is a joint venture between Education, Sport and Culture and Health and Social Services and is designed to promote the link between good health, behaviour and achievement. In order to achieve the award, schools work over a 2-3 year period to demonstrate how they involve students, staff, parents and the wider community in developing good practice around four key areas which are personal, social and health education,healthy eating, physical activity and emotional health and wellbeing.

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