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Jersey and La Manche at Paris agricultural show

20 February 2013

A Jersey delegation will join the La Manche (Normandy) stand at Franceā€™s biggest agricultural show in Paris, the Salon International de L'Agriculture, from 24 February to 3 March 2013.
Deputy Carolyn Labey, who is Assistant Minister for both the Economic Development Department and the Department of the Environment, will lead the delegation. She will be accompanied by the Assistant Chief Minister with responsibility for External Relations, Senator Sir Philip Bailhache.
Jersey was invited to attend the show by the General Council of La Manche following a visit last year by representatives from the Island to the Salon International de L'Agriculture. At this yearā€™s show, the Jersey team will showcase the variety and quality of Jersey produce through videos, promotional material and tastings. Local produce will include soft scoop ice cream, Jersey Royal potatoes, oysters and black butter.
Deputy Labey commented "This joint venture with the General Council of La Manche is an important step forward in developing business links with France and in particular La Manche. It is also a welcome opportunity to highlight the range and quality of Jerseyā€™s agricultural produce in a fresh market and to explore future export opportunities.
"Jersey will also be in the spotlight as a tourist destination, thanks to the recent establishment of air links between the Island and Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport.ā€¯
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