16 August 2013
​The design for an extension to the top floor of Green Street car park has been completed and has now been submitted as a planning application.
This plan is a response to a condition on the new Police Headquarters planning permit requiring 53 spaces to be provided at the car park.
While the commuter spaces displaced as a result of the Police Headquarters could be accommodated within existing car parking capacity in St Helier, consultation had shown concern about the localised pressure on Green Street car park. As a result, the Minister for Planning and Environment, Deputy Rob Duhamel, included the requirement for the additional spaces as a condition of the Police Headquarters development.​
The proposed extension will provide a total of 64 spaces, which will offset the 91 spaces displaced as a result of the new Police Headquarters. If planning permission is granted, construction could start in the early part of 2014.
Budget in 2014 capital programme​
The Assistant Treasury and Resources Minister, Deputy Eddie Noel, said “During the Police Headquarters debate, it was clear there was political concern about the pressure on Green Street car park, which is why, in conjunction with the Minister for Transport and Technical Services, I made a commitment to an extension. I am therefore pleased to be able to make this application, which is part of fulfilling one of the Minister for Planning and Environment’s planning conditions on the Police Headquarters development.
“We have worked closely with Transport and Technical Services officers and managed to improve upon the initial concept design, which has increased the number of spaces to 64. If the Minister for Planning and Environment approves the application, I would anticipate the works being undertaken as soon as possible in 2014.”
The Minister for Transport and Technical Services, Deputy Kevin Lewis, said “I believe this is a good scheme, which will help deal with any localised parking pressure within the Green Street area as a result of the Police Headquarters development. My officers will continue to work closely with the project design team to ensure that, subject to a planning permit being issued, the extension will operate well with the rest of the car park and its construction will be managed to minimise disruption to the public.”​
A budget of ÂŁ1.5m has been identified for the scheme within the 2014 capital programme.