The Chief Minister and the Minister for Health and Social Services, who has responsibility for the administration of the Historic Abuse Redress Scheme, have determined that the scheme is to transfer from Mourant Ozannes to Lacey Advocates. The transfer has commenced and subject to the consent of each of the claimants, it is anticipated that it will start to take effect from 1 October 2013.
Following police investigations into historic abuse at Haut de la Garenne and other States of Jersey-run establishments, the Council of Ministers established the Historic Abuse Redress Scheme to provide financial compensation to the victims of historic abuse when in the Statesā€™ full-time residential care.
The scheme was launched on 29 March 2012 and accepted applications up to 30 September 2012 (together with some applications received outside the deadline). 131 claims for compensation were received and to date 70 settlement offers have been accepted.
The team at Mourant Ozannes, led until December 2012 by Advocate Beverley Lacey, advised on the establishment of the scheme and has advised the Minister in relation to the scheme throughout, in close liaison with the Health and Social Services Department and the Council of Ministers.
In December 2012, Advocate Lacey left Mourant Ozannes and established Lacey Advocates. In March 2013, the Minister instructed Lacey Advocates to advise on various matters connected to historic abuse. More recently, the Chief Minister and the Health and Social Services Minister decided that, for reasons of continuity, the administration of the scheme would be transferred to Lacey Advocates.
Health and Social Services and Mourant Ozannes are working together to manage the transfer and to minimise any disruption to the administration of the scheme in the interim. Mourant Ozannes will be writing to claimants to seek consent to the release of their files to Lacey Advocates. In the event that a claimant does not consent, matters will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis. Health and Social Services Department and Mourant Ozannes are working hard to ensure there is no impact on the claimants.
The Minister, Deputy Anne Pryke, said "Lacey Advocates have been instructed to advise on matters connected to historic abuse and to take over the administration of the scheme. The scheme is progressing well, with over 50 per cent of claims now settled.
"I am pleased with the progress we have made to date in handling the claims, which have been dealt with professionally and efficiently by Mourant Ozannes. I would like to thank the team at Mourant Ozannes for their hard work and sensitivity throughout.ā€¯