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New Housing company shadow board proposed

02 December 2013

The Housing Minister has lodged proposals for the new housing company’s shadow board. The report and proposition has been lodged for States Members to debate in January 2014.
Members will be asked to approve the terms of reference and appoint the directors of the Housing shadow board for the period to the incorporation of States owned housing as a company limited by guarantee wholly owned by the States of Jersey, as approved by the States on 16 May 2013. The members of the shadow board will become the first Board of Directors of the new housing company on its incorporation.
The candidate search for the chairman and three non-executive directors of the Housing shadow board was carried out with the help of a local recruitment consultancy in September. At the same time, the Housing Minister wrote to all 4,500 Housing Department tenants inviting them to apply for one of the two roles of tenant representative director.

Selection process

Following the selection process, overseen by the Appointments Commission, the Housing Minister will recommend that the following people are appointed as directors of the Housing shadow board:
  • Michael Jones (Non-executive chairman)
  • Heather Bestwick (Non-executive director)
  • Jane Martin (Non-executive director)
  • Colin Russell (Tenant representative director)
  • Frank Walker O.B.E. (Non-executive director)
In addition the board will be joined by the Chief Executive Officer of the Housing Department, Ian Gallichan, who will provide a key link to both the Housing Minister and Department.
The Housing Minister, Deputy Andrew Green said “I am confident that, if approved, the new Board of Directors will provide a strong balance of skills, expertise and experience that will help contribute to the successful incorporation of the Housing Department and the success of the new Housing company, and that they will be joined by Ian Gallichan who has worked tirelessly with Ministers for Housing over a number of years, to ensure that the Housing Transformation Programme has progressed successfully.  I am particularly pleased that all the Board members possess a strong social conscience, which is vital for the largest social housing provider in the Island.”
The proposed chairman of the shadow board Michael Jones worked with Professor Christine Whitehead on the Review of Social Housing for the States of Jersey, which was the review that launched the Housing Transformation Programme.
Mr Jones said “The agreement to establish the new Housing company offers a key opportunity to improve the homes of existing tenants and to contribute to meeting housing need in the Island in future years. I am delighted to have been offered the position of chairman of the Board of the new company and I look forward to working together with my colleagues, initially as the shadow board, in guiding the establishment of the new housing company.”




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