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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Iconic Fort Regent roofline to be listed

21 June 2013

The Planning Minister is to list the Fort Regent roofline because of its architectural and scientific interest.
Architecture Week 2013, which starts next week, focuses on Fort Regent this year. Ahead of the launch event at the Fort’s ramparts on Sunday, the Minister for Planning and Environment has announced that he intends to list the Fort’s modern roof structure.
The late Georgian fort is already a listed building but this designation currently excludes the iconic waved roof structure, completed in 1974, which caps the Fort’s parade ground.
Deputy Rob Duhamel proposes to change this by signalling his intent to add this structure to the list. “Part of my ongoing review of the historic environment includes, for the first time, a comprehensive assessment of the Island’s post-war buildings and structures.
“The roof of Fort Regent is a modern architectural structure which we are all familiar with and it is, perhaps, taken somewhat for granted. It is a key feature of the St Helier skyline and it was an ambitious and ingenious solution to the challenge of covering the parade ground when it was developed: it is a worthy addition to the list because of its architectural and scientific interest,” said Deputy Duhamel.




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