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Jersey leads in conservation efforts

20 December 2013

​Jersey is leading the way for other Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories in its work on protecting biodiversity in the Island.
The UK government is encouraging all Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies to sign up to the Convention on Biological Diversity. 

House of Commons

The issue of how many of Britain’s Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories had signed up to the Convention on Biological Diversity was raised in the House of Commons recently. Jersey signed the convention in 1992. The Isle of Man signed it recently and Guernsey is working towards it.
The commitment of the three Crown Dependencies and 14 Overseas Territories is considered significant because they make an important contribution to global biodiversity and geological diversity. Collectively, they make up more than 70 per cent of the UK’s biodiversity and many of the species found in the Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies aren’t found anywhere else in the world. 

70 per cent of UK's biodiversity​

Principal Ecologist at the Department of the Environment, John Pinel, said "The Convention on Biological Diversity was a turning point for conservationists around the world. It’s a binding treaty that reminds governments everywhere that natural resources are not finite and they need protecting.
"The UK is very keen for the 17 Overseas Territories and Crown Dependencies to sign up to the CBD because, between us, we’re home to 70 per cent of the UK’s biodiversity.
“Jersey signed up in 1992, and as part of that we’re committed to the Aichi biodiversity targets. This is part of the United Nations Decade on Biodiversity which aims to halt and eventually reverse the loss of biodiversity of the planet.
“So through our international involvement, Jersey really led the way for the UK, and that’s been recognised – it’s something we should be very proud of.”
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