11 November 2013
​An enhanced reporting system is being introduced from January 2014 for the six-monthly manpower returns that employers are required to submit.
For the first time from January, all businesses can choose to link their manpower return submission with the existing ITIS process, completing both forms online. Part of this will be the introduction of a new simple website to replace the old paper and email forms.
In addition to the information employers supply for their ITIS return, they will need to provide the following to satisfy the manpower element of the submission:
- whether an employee has registered, licensed or entitled residential status
- whether an employee is part time or full time or zero hour
- what contract type (permanent, non-permanent) they are employed on
- whether an employee is “exempt” under the law.
This new requirement follows the introduction of the Control of Housing and Work Law earlier this year. The information will help government monitor and manage immigration by ensuring that businesses are complying with any restrictions on the number of migrants they can employ and providing the Island with employment and population statistics.
To ensure that they are ready for the introduction of the new system, it would be worthwhile for businesses to review the records they hold about the residential status of their employees.
Director of Corporate Policy Paul Bradbury said “The new system will streamline the process of reporting for both employers and government, while also enhancing our migration controls. While we are introducing the new process we will offer support to employers and provide practical guidance to make the transition as smooth as possible.”
Assistance for employers will include:
- explanatory leaflets and letters to all businesses and a promotional campaign about the changes will be available on this website in the next few weeks
- drop in advice sessions will be scheduled before the end of the year
- practical step-by-step assistance in completing a return – by appointment at the Population Office in January.
- employers can also call the Population Office for support and guidance, including information about the residential status of employees.
Assistant Chief Minister Senator Paul Routier said “This new process is an important part of our drive to improve our migration controls, and to secure employment for established residents wherever possible while supporting our economy. I am pleased we can do this by bringing together the ITIS and manpower submissions.”
Manpower returns are forms filled in by all businesses which give the States of Jersey information about the number of people they employ.
Businesses can submit their next manpower return from 1 January 2014. The normal deadline for filing is 31 January 2014. It is not necessary for existing employees to obtain a registration card as part of these changes. Only new employees will need to get a card.