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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

New record for Advance to Work

17 April 2013

A record number of Advance to Work trainees started work in March ā€“ beating the previous best recorded in the same month last year.
This March, 22 of the employment schemeā€™s trainees started work following their time with the scheme. This brings the total of Advance to Work trainees offered work in 2013 to 45. In March 2012, 20 trainees started paid work. Since the scheme began, 62% of its trainees have moved into paid employment.
Advance to Work, which provides a combination of work placements, mentoring and training to unemployed young people aged 16 ā€“ 19 years old, is one of a number of government employment schemes administered by Back to Work at Social Security.
Social Security Minister Senator Francis Le Gresley said it was encouraging to see so many customers and employers benefit from the scheme and urged employers to continue to support Advance to Work and the opportunity it presented for young people to improve their employability.
'In these testing economic times it is heartening that the Advance to Work model continues to provide a successful platform for young people to get into the workplace. This success is a testament to the hard work of the trainees, the dedication of their mentors and the commitment of local employers to providing work placements and opportunities for Jerseyā€™s young people,' said Senator Le Gresley.
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