08 November 2013
Jerseyâs Planning Minister has approved an application to build a two storey office building on an industrial site behind Marks & Spencer in St Peter.
The plans for the development have been changed to reflect neighboursâ concerns and a Royal Court judgment last year.
At a Ministerial Planning meeting today, Deputy Rob Duhamel agreed that the current plans take more account of protected species and neighboursâ concerns. He praised the way the applicants and neighbours had co-operated to meet each othersâ needs.
Garden centre retail expansion
A Grouville farm shop and garden centreâs request to widen the range of stock it sells to include pet products was also approved by the Planning Minister at todayâs meeting.
Holme Grown, on La Rue au Long, was originally established on Green Zone land where development is allowed only in exceptional circumstances â in this case to support the wider farm holding and rural enterprise.
Deputy Duhamel agreed with a compromise proposal that will allow the garden centre to sell a specified number of pet products.
Titan Properties has been given permission for revised plans for a plant room on the roof of a six storey Esplanade building.
Originally the Minister had asked for the plant room to be built within the top floor. But the revised plans for the plant room at 19-21 Esplanade and 31 Commercial Street are considered by the Planning department to be of a better design.
They also fit in with the plant room arrangements on an adjoining building, and with the street scene in general, as outlined in supplementary planning guidance.
The new arrangements will enable the building comply with the âvery goodâ level of BREEAM environmental standards more easily. BREEAM (Building Research Estalishment Environmental Assessment Method) is an environmental assessment method and rating system for buildings and is a widely recognised measure of a building's environmental performance.