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Politicians from Normandy attend talks in Jersey

29 May 2013

A delegation of senior politicians from the French department of La Manche are visiting Jersey today (29 May 2013).
Led by the Président du Conseil Général de la Manche, Jean-François Le Grand, and Prefet de la Manche, Adolphe Colrat, the delegation will be welcomed by Chief Minister, Senator Ian Gorst, and Assistant Chief Minister, Senator Sir Philip Bailhache.
The delegation is visiting the Island as part of an ongoing programme of joint working designed to build on existing collaboration between Jersey and La Manche. Discussions will be conducted in working groups, divided into four categories: strategy; education, sport and culture; economic development and tourism; and environment. During the afternoon, the working groups will join together in a plenary session and report back on the day’s discussions.
The Environment Minister, Deputy Rob Duhamel, and the Assistant Ministers for Education, Sport and Culture, Deputies Rod Bryans and Roy Le HĂ©rissier, will be leading two of the working groups. The French Honorary Consul, David Myatt, will also be present for part of the programme.
Senator Gorst commented “We have established a long-standing and productive dialogue with the department of La Manche, which allows us to share views and methodologies on a number of key topics. I am pleased that we are able to welcome our French colleagues back to Jersey and I look forward to building on progress made in previous meetings.”
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