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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Proposed speed limit changes

03 July 2013

The Minister for Transport and Technical Services (TTS) is considering making changes to speed limits on a number of roads in the Island. The changes will affect roads in St Helier, St Mary, St Peter, Grouville, St Brelade and Trinity.
The changes include:
  • creating a new 30mph zone around Trinity Church
  • expanding the 30mph zones at St Peterā€™s Village, Les Quennevais, and St Maryā€™s Village
  • lowering the speed limit to 20mph on Rue de Trachy in St Helier and on Rue a Don outside the petrol station in Grouville 
All the proposals have been drawn up on maps and can be viewed on the States of Jersey website, the parish halls in the parishes affected, and TTS reception at South Hill.
Anyone can submit their comments to TTS in writing or by email.
Minister for TTS, Deputy Kevin Lewis, said "It is a significant concern to me that our serious road injury rate is considerably higher than the UK rate.  Lowering a speed limit in an appropriate place is one of a range of measures that can help make our roads safer and which I therefore believe needs to be part of our road safety strategy.ā€¯
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