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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

New Recycle for Jersey campaign

17 December 2013

A video campaign has been launched by Transport and Technical Services to encourage Islanders to recycle more household metal packaging.
The video explains why recycling is so important through the eyes of a child. For example, a young girl compares the changes her family are trying to make. These include her dad going jogging so he can look like superman, her brother using magic to turn caterpillars into butterflies, and household food and drink cans, aerosol cans, foil and foil packaging being transformed by recycling.
The video, which has been produced by Freedom Media, is available on the Recycle for Jersey Facebook page and on the States of Jersey website. It's also been edited to create a television commercial and this will air for the first time between 6-7pm on ITV on Christmas Eve (Tuesday 24 December) and will appear on local screens between 6-7pm until New Yearā€™s Eve.
Emma Richardson-Calladine, Recycling Manager, TTS said "Using video has enabled us to promote recycling in a different way and we hope that this will help us to reach a wider audience. We are really proud of this video which we hope will be the first in a series that will each focus on recycling something different. This video continues the theme of magic which was introduced by our Can Wizard this Autumn, as metal can be recycled again and again saving energy and resources every time. It should be a priority for everyone to separate their metals for recycling and we hope that our video not only helps to share this message but it also gets shared to spread our message this Christmas."
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