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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Recycling network up for tender

15 November 2013

Transport and Technical Services (TTS) is looking for a local company to manage the Island's network of recycling 'bring banks.

The mini recycling centres, known as ā€˜bring banksā€™, make it easy for households to recycle paper, plastic bottles and metal packaging, and cardboard on some of the larger sites.

The existing contract has finished and TTS has started a tender process to find a local company which can collect recyclables from the bring banks and take the materials to the relevant local depots for onward processing and recycling.

Five year contract

The new contract will last five years to encourage companies which may not currently be in the waste collection market to invest in the equipment needed to service the contract.

TTS recycling manager, Emma Richardson-Calladine said "The key to increasing recycling is making it easy and the bring bank network plays an important role in this. People want to recycle seven days a week and itā€™s essential that this level of service is maintained all year round. We are looking forward to hearing from local companies who can help us continue to develop our services so that more and more people find it easy to recycle in Jersey."

Businesses can tender for the contract through the Channel Islands Procurement Portal and should register an expression of interest by Thursday 5 December 2013.

Channel Islands Procurement Portal website

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