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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Registration cards start next week

26 June 2013

Islanders who buy or lease a new home, or start work with a new employer will have to apply for a registration card from Monday 1 July when the Control of Housing and Work Law comes into force.
The new law aims to bring in a more effective and efficient system of immigration control while streamlining existing processes for businesses. It will also change the current system for residential qualifications, replacing it with four new categories:
  • Entitled - someone who has lived in Jersey for 10 years
  • Licensed - someone who is an 'essential employee'
  • Entitled to Work - someone who has lived in Jersey for five consecutive years immediately before the date the card is issued, or is married to someone who is Entitled, Licensed, or Entitled to Work
  • Registered - Someone who does not qualify under the other categories
People who move to Jersey for the first time and become Registered or Licensed will have to pay ÂŁ75 to get a registration card from Social Security before they can find employment or accommodation. Islanders who are Entitled or Entitled to Work will not have to pay for a card if they need to apply for one. Registration cards will replace Social Security cards.
Assistant Chief Minister, Senator Paul Routier, said “Our challenge as an Island is enabling our economy to flourish while sustaining our environment and way of life. This new law is essential in achieving this by supporting local employment first, and where this is not possible, focusing immigration on areas of higher value that create and safeguard local employment.”
Director, Corporate Policy, Paul Bradbury, said “We recognise this new law is a big change, however, it’s important to stress that Islanders do not need to apply for a registration card unless they’re leasing or buying a new home or they’re starting work with a new employer.
“This law introduces greater compliance powers, and a reduction in red tape for both businesses and individuals. We will continue to work with businesses to support them during this period of change.”
Registration cards (Employment and careers section)

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