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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Roseneath reopens services for homeless people

24 December 2013

The Health and Social Services Department and the Shelter Trust have announced the reopening of services for homeless people at the Roseneath building, formerly operated by the Nemo Trust.
As a result of the collaboration between HSS and the Shelter Trust, 22 newly refurbished rooms are available for use from today. The first five people have moved in from the emergency accommodation they previously occupied at Aztec House. It is anticipated that the service will become increasingly busy in the coming weeks.
Chairman of the Shelter Trust, Mr Nick Gorrod, said β€œThe opening of the new service and the increased capacity of homeless accommodation allows us to finally secure single room occupancy for homeless people, which is a long term goal of the Trust.”
The support of a Ministerial Oversight Group consisting of representations from the Housing, Social Security and Health Departments has ensured that the service was up and running in time for Christmas.
Health and Social Services Minister, Deputy Anne Pryke, accompanied by the Ministerial Oversight Group, visited the newly refurbished premises yesterday just ahead of the first service users moving in. She said β€œI am delighted to see this development of services for homeless people. Many people have worked hard to enable this great facility to reopen almost exactly two years after closure, and just in time for the Christmas period.
β€œOn behalf of the Ministerial Oversight Group and myself, I would like to thank all those involved in this project and look forward to working closely with you in 2014.”
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