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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Improvements to St Aubin

23 December 2013

Detailed plans for the St Aubin improvement scheme have now been finalised following consultation with key stakeholders. The scheme has been developed by Transport and Technical Services in conjunction with the St Aubin Project Board, which is chaired by Connétable Steve Pallett.
Work has already begun on areas around the cafĂ© and the park but the main project will begin on 6 January 2014. However, disruption will be kept to a minimum throughout the project, and access will be maintained for all local businesses and residents, with a reasonable level of parking being maintained during the quieter winter months.
ConnĂ©table Pallett said "After many years of planning and consultation, we are finally starting this much-needed project that will give St Aubin a new look and ambience whilst providing a safer environment for both visitors and residents. With all major projects I would be grateful for the public’s patience whilst these exciting changes are implemented. I believe the end product will be worth any short term inconvenience."
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