16 August 2013
ā€‹Community views are being sought on the proposal for a trial 20mph speed limit on roads in the St Mary village area.
At a recent public meeting, the Minister for Transport and Technical Services, Deputy Kevin Lewis, agreed to a trial 20mph speed limit on certain roads in St Mary subject to consultation.
A drawing showing the extent of the speed limit changes is available as part of the consultation and is available on this website, at St Mary's Parish Hall and at the Transport and Technical Services Department reception at South Hill.
The trial 20 mph would be followed by wider improvements to the St Mary village area. The improvements would address local traffic issues, while promoting the character of the existing village and Deputy Lewis is keen that they are led and supported by the community.
Measures such as roadside pavements, easier road crossings and cycle facilities should provide safer access for all parishioners to the school, shops, community centre, parish hall and parish pub.
The Parish of St Mary will lead the process headed by the ConnƩtable Juliette Gallichan, with the advice of a project board and drawing on the technical expertise of Transport and Technical Services. Mrs Gallichan will arrange for the Parish and Transport and Technical Services team to meet the parishioners at a drop-in session in September 2013.