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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Boost for St Peter's recyclers

01 August 2013

A new recycling ā€˜bring bankā€™ in St Peter will be open from Friday 2 August 2013.
The recycling facility, put in place by Transport and Technical Services, is at the rear of the St Peter Community Centre car park and will provide banks for householders to recycle cardboard, paper, metal packaging, plastic bottles and batteries.

Making recycling convenient

Glass recycling banks have not been provided as St Peter, along with the neighbouring Parishes, provide regular household glass collections.
Recycling ā€˜bring banksā€™ are the name given to the 19 mini recycling centres that are located around the Island with the aim of making household recycling convenient.
Transport and Technical Services Recycling Manager, Emma Richardson, said "We are continually developing the network of recycling bring banks by trying to find new sites that are conveniently located on main routes across the Island so that recycling is easy and can be combined with another journey. We hope that the new St Peterā€™s recycling bring bank will be a welcome facility for the nearby community and also provide a resource to support the parish nursery and school to raise awareness of the importance of recycling and how easy it is to recycle."
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