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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Statement on withdrawal of Dean of Jersey's commission

14 March 2013

We are saddened to learn that a vulnerable woman who came to Jersey suffered while living here and very much regret that she was adversely affected by events during her time here.

This is a matter that should be resolved by the Church, and we understand there will now be an investigation into the findings of the independent review. Jersey officials will be meeting the Bishop of Winchester when he visits the Island and providing whatever cooperation is needed.

We note the Bishopā€™s affirmation that his action in removing the Dean of Jersey's commission is a neutral measure which implies no judgement and is necessary while matters are investigated, in accordance with best practice.

We welcome the commitment of the Diocese of Winchester to enhancing safeguarding procedures and policies. Jerseyā€™s recently formed Vulnerable Adults Protection Committee, announced in October 2012, will help to safeguard vulnerable adults in our community.

Islanders will know that the Dean is held in high regard by Jerseyā€™s faith community and is highly respected for his dedicated work and contribution to island life since he came here in 2005.

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