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Jersey agrees tax package with UK

20 March 2013

Following consultation with the Island’s finance industry, Jersey has agreed a package of tax measures with the UK Government that reflects the Island’s special relationship with the UK and its long-standing commitment to join in the global action to combat tax evasion.
The package that has been agreed with the UK comprises:
  • the main body of an intergovernmental agreement ( IGA) that closely follows the FATCA IGA being negotiated  with the US (aside from the jurisdiction specific annexes)
  • an alternative reporting arrangement for UK residents who are categorised as non-domiciled for tax purposes (res non-doms) which will be included in an annex to the IGA and which will be finalised to the same timetable as the IGA currently being negotiated with the US the main body of which has already been initialled with the US authorities
  • a disclosure facility, full details of which will be published shortly, which will allow investors with assets in Jersey to come forward and regularise their past tax affairs prior to information on their accounts being automatically exchanged
In addition to the package, the UK have indicated that they are happy to consider a possible renegotiation of the current Double Taxation Agreement between the UK and Jersey.
Senator Gorst said “We have a centuries-old special relationship with the UK and this package puts beyond doubt our long-held commitment to ensuring that the Island is not used for tax evasion by UK resident tax payers.
"Our internationally recognised reputation for being transparent and well regulated is a key strength of our financial services sector, and what we have now agreed with the UK will serve to further reinforce this message. It is also in the Island’s long-term interests to keep in step with the global direction of travel towards greater transparency.”
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