06 September 2013
​Jersey landlords who unfairly charge tenants for utility services such as electricity and gas could face fines following changes to existing legislation.
The Housing Minister, Deputy Andrew Green, has made changes to the Residential Tenancy Law by Order which will make it an offence for landlords to profiteer from utility services by over-charging tenants.
The new legislation covers all utility services including electricity, gas supplies, water and drainage. It also clarifies the process for using metered and unmetered supplies and where service charges are made for communal areas.
Deputy Green said “Although I don’t believe that the practice of hiking up charges is widespread in Jersey, I do think it’s important to have legislation in place which makes the practice illegal. I hope this Order will also add further clarity to the duties and responsibilities of both landlord and tenant.”
The Minister has consulted the Citizen’s Advice Bureau on this issue and they welcome this proposal.
The Order will come into force on 1 October 2013.