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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

iPads help stroke patients

07 June 2013

Stroke patients at the General Hospital are using iPad technology to help their recovery.
Two new iPads have been provided at the Hospital’s Corbiere Ward thanks to funds raised by ward staff through a charity spin-athon earlier this year.
The eight-hour charity cycling event involved nurses, physiotherapists and auxiliary staff and raised a total of ÂŁ5,000.
Sister Jane Edgar said the new iPads had recently been used for the first time, and were invaluable for helping communication between patients and staff.
“Many patients suffer impairment to their speech after a stroke, which can make it very difficult and frustrating for them to communicate,” she said. “The use of an iPad can make it much easier for them to express themselves effectively, and also helps staff because it will often save time in terms of understanding what help patients require.”
Sister Edgar said the remaining proceeds of the charity event will be used to buy more equipment for Corbiere Ward over the coming months.
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