28 May 2013
Following the success of the Hospitality Job Match events held earlier this year, Back to Work will be extending the invitation to retail employers for the latest event being held next month.
The Retail and Hospitality Job Match will be held at the Town Hall on Thursday 6 June to allow invited jobseekers with an interest in the industries to meet face-to-face with employers with current or upcoming vacancies.
Head of Back to Work Sophie Le Sueur said the team would welcome inquiries from retail or hospitality employers of all sizes. She said “As a recruitment tool, Job Match is an effective and efficient use of an employer’s time. In just two hours they can meet significantly more candidates than they would with a traditional method of shortlisting and interviewing.
“At Job Match the employers will have the time and space to spot talent and have meaningful conversations with potential employees. This is not a ‘drop-in event’ so all the jobseekers attending have expressed an interest in the retail or hospitality sectors and will attend in time slots to make sure that there is time for meaningful conversations to take place.
“This is a perfect opportunity for employers to see that there are a number of locally qualified jobseekers who are able and motivated to fulfil both seasonal and permanent roles.”
Employers who would like to book a stand at Job Match should email
backtowork@gov.je or call 447460.