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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Justice Secretary to visit Jersey

19 September 2013

The Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor, the Rt Hon Chris Grayling MP, will visit Jersey on 23 September 2013.
It will be the Secretary of State’s first visit to the Island, and he will be welcomed by the Chief Minister, Senator Ian Gorst, and the Lieutenant-Governor, His Excellency General Sir John McColl. The Bailiff, Sir Michael Birt, will also host a formal dinner for the Secretary of State at Highlands College.
Senator Gorst commented "It will be a pleasure to welcome the Secretary of State to Jersey and to have the opportunity to discuss in person the strong ties that exist between Jersey and the Ministry of Justice, and the UK Government in general.
“It is particularly appropriate that the Secretary of State should be visiting us when we are midway through the party political conference season. Jersey’s attendance, alongside Guernsey, at all three of the major conferences allows us to engage with a wide variety of UK politicians across a number of issues. This breadth of engagement sustains the valuable relationship between Jersey and the UK that has been commented on in recent weeks by the UK Prime Minister and the Lord Mayor of London.”
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