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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Careers advice for A level students

12 August 2014

This yearā€™s A level results will be released on Thursday (14 August) and will determine university places for the majority of Jersey sixth formers.

On the day, schools, Highlands College, Advance to Work, and Careers Jersey will all be available on the day to help students.

Student Finance

Once you have a definite offer of a place at university, and if you have applied for a student grant, you should send the following to the Student Finance Office:

  • the (HE7) Notification of Student Award form
  • copies of your A level or BTEC results
  • a copy of the unconditional offer letter from the institute

This is a very busy time for Student Finance as they assess and process nearly 1,400 students, please only phone if it is absolutely necessary. If you do, be prepared to leave a message which will be picked up.

How to apply for student finance (employment and careers section)

Careers Jersey

Careers Jersey can help if you are:

  • looking for alternative courses and universities
  • taking an unexpected gap year
  • considering employment instead of further education

You can contact Careers Jersey on +44 1534 449440 or by email. They will also be able to help students who have problems with their choices after GCSE results, which will be released on Thursday 21 August.

Contact Careers Jersey

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