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Jersey signs tax agreement with Belgium

13 March 2014

Jersey and the Kingdom of Belgium signed a tax information exchange agreement (TIEA) at the Residence of the Ambassador for the Kingdom in London today (13 March 2014).
The TIEA was signed for Jersey by the Minister for External Relations, Senator Sir Philip Bailhache. The Belgian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign affairs, Foreign Trade and European Affairs, His Excellency Mr Didier Reynders, signed for: the Belgian Federal Government; the Government of the French Community; the Government of the German-Speaking Community; the Government of the Walloon Region; and the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region. The Representative of the Flemish Government in London, Mr Geert De Proost, signed on behalf of the Flemish Government.
Senator Bailhache said “We attach great importance to the signing of this TIEA with Belgium. While Jersey is not a part of the European Union, we are part of Europe and we have long pursued a good neighbour policy towards the Member States of the EU. It is also further evidence of Jersey’s full commitment to compliance with the current international standards on transparency and exchange of information for tax purposes.”
The tax information exchange agreement will come into force once the parties have completed their respective domestic procedures for ratification.
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