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Businesses urged to reduce waste

29 July 2014

Island businesses are being urged to carry out a simple check to measure how much waste they produce and offered advice on steps to reduce it.

Jersey is a small Island, yet it produces almost 100,000 tonnes of rubbish each year. Eco-Active is asking businesses, States departments, schools and community groups to carry out a simple waste audit. Understanding how much waste is produced is the first step to reducing it. 

Reducing waste in the workplace is about being more efficient. It means using less and consequently spending less; getting the most out of what is used and recycling whatever is left. By becoming more efficient businesses can not only increase profits but can also save resources and help the environment.

Eco-Active Programme Manager Jane Burns said “The beauty of a simple waste audit is that you do not even have to get your hands dirty!  Eco-Active has put together a short film to talk you through what you need to do. All this information can be found on the Eco-Active business campaigns page.”

Transport and Technical Services Department Recycling Manager, Emma Richardson-Calladine, said “Knowing what you throw away is essential if you want to waste less and recycle more. It’s often the simplest of steps, like printing double-sided, that can make big changes to reducing your waste and saving you money. 

“The Eco-Active film is a fantastic way to get started with understanding more about the waste your company produces, and using this information to develop a plan to make your business more sustainable.”

Businesses need to know what happens to their waste when they dispose of it. Carrying out a simple waste audit will:

  • help you understand how much waste your business produces
  • demonstrate how much waste you separate for recycling
  • help you identify what is going well and what needs improving
  • give you information to measure improvements against.


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