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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Plans approved for new cargo centre at Airport

28 February 2014

ā€‹Jerseyā€™s Planning Applications Panel has approved plans for a new cargo centre at  Jersey Airport.

The airport authorities applied to demolish the existing cargo centre building (near Aviation Beauport) and build a new one on the south side of the departures hall with cargo units for tenants and an engineering workshop, a new access road and a yard with parking.

The panel acknowledged that the proposed replacement building would be large and visible on the horizon when heading north on La Route Des Quennevais but will be more secure and the scale was considered appropriate for its role.

The applicant worked with planning officers to develop the plans and the Jersey Architecture Commission has also reviewed the design. The final proposal is intended to reflect some existing airport architectural features, such as those used on the control tower and office building.

An extra 14 homes in St Saviour

Plans for additional homes on a large housing development in St Saviour were also approved by the Planning Applications Panel on Thursday 27 February.
Dandara is building a further 14 homes on the former Jersey Dairy site, bringing the total to 107 units overall.
The panel agreed with planning officers that it was an acceptable arrangement for a site within the built up area and makes more efficient use of previously developed land in line with current planning policy. Field 530A will remain an open space in the revised scheme.
One of the conditions of the permission is that Dandara must work with Transport and Technical Services to make a contribution of Ā£14,000 to provision of the Eastern Cycle Route.
Two applications for outline permission to establish an IT hub and server farm on a green zone agricultural site in St Lawrence were refused at the same meeting.
The applicants had applied to build a centre for digital business on land at North End Vineries, and the Fencing Centre, La Rue de la Scelletterie.
The panel indicated that the proposal may have merit but the site is in the Green Zone where thereā€™s a presumption against development, and there was too little evidence of why the application should be an exception to planning policy.
The site was rejected as an industrial site in the 2011 Island Plan debate.
Proposals to build a single dwelling on a field near Grouville School in return for giving space to the school for a new netball court and soft play area were deferred and will be considered by the Minister, Deputy Rob Duhamel, after two panel members voted for the scheme and two against it.
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