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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Town parking spaces increase

16 December 2014

More parking spaces will be available in St Helier from tomorrow (Wednesday 17 December) at:

  • Snow Hill car park (including spaces allocated to States Members)
  • Ann Place (nine-hour commuter parking)
  • Charles Street (three-hour shopper parking)

Fewer parking spaces were available during the work on the drainage project to reduce the risk of flooding in town. The contractor and Transport and Technical Services tried to clear the sites as quickly as possible to free up parking spaces for Christmas shoppers.

States Members' spaces

TTS Minister, Deputy Eddie Noel, has worked to make the spaces allocated to States Members in Snow Hill car park publicly available.

Deputy Noel said ā€œI am delighted that we have been able to free up these spaces in time for people doing their Christmas shopping. Snow Hill is a very popular shoppers' car park and Iā€™m pleased that more spaces will be available following the proposition I brought to the States earlier in the year.ā€ā€‹

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