26 November 2014
​The Department of the Environment is spearheading a long term initiative to help Jersey prepare for extreme weather in the future.
Jersey is signed up to the Kyoto protocol. This is an international agreement imposing limits on emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases that scientists think are contributing to extreme weather events through rising world temperatures.
Reduce carbon emissions
The Island is managing the risks of climate change in two ways. One is to reduce Jersey’s carbon emissions through an energy plan. This was agreed by the States earlier this year. The other proposal is to help Jersey adapt and prepare for extreme weather to reduce its impact.
The Department of the Environment and Transport and Technical Services, Social Security and Economic Development departments will work together on the initiative.
Next month there will be a number of meetings run by the Town and Country Planning Association for people involved or affected, including States employees, ministers, planners and building control staff and other interested groups like environmental groups and energy bodies.
The meetings will focus on how to future proof our built environment to make sure it can withstand storms, higher temperatures and more winter rain. Earlier this year, many homes and businesses in Jersey were flooded and thousands of pounds of damage was caused to the Island’s infrastructure by winter storms.
Extreme weather
The Planning and Environment Minister, Deputy Steve Luce, said “Last January we had a reminder of what extreme weather can do and the impact it can have on people, businesses and Jersey’s roads and sea defences.
“We’re already working on reducing our carbon emissions through the Energy Plan accepted by the States - in line with our commitment to the Kyoto Protocol - but we also need to consider how we future proof Jersey. We don’t have all the answers, far from it, but December’s meetings are the start of a long and important conversation about how Jersey prepares for extreme weather in the future.”
By spring, it’s hoped that organisers will have a greater understanding of the issues involved, what people are most concerned about and where they need to focus future efforts.
Download Pathway 2050 - An Energy Plan for Jersey (1.31MB)