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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Temporary café at Elizabeth Terminal

07 April 2014

​Local company Jersey Coffee Cars has entered into a short-term agreement with the Port of Jersey to provide light food and refreshments in the Elizabeth Terminal until a new permanent operator is appointed and a refurbished facility can open.

The temporary measures will see the café area reopen today (7 April 2014).

Due to the temporary nature of the agreement, the cafĂ© will not be serving alcohol and the bar area will remain closed. The cafĂ© has been closed since November 2013 when the former tenants, whose lease was due to expire on 31 December 2013, took the decision to cease trading. The Port of Jersey was unable to gain access to the premises until early January after the lease had expired. Measures were then put in place to draw up the tender process to appoint a new catering operator.

Shortlist of operators

A shortlist of potential operators has now been drawn up and final submissions are being reviewed. It is hoped that a new operator can be appointed quickly. While the original target for reopening the café was set for Easter 2014, the tender process yielded far greater interest than expected, which led to a longer review period.

Also, the degree of refurbishment intended by each of the shortlisted operators would mean a much-improved facility but it could also affect the reopening time.

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