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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Emergency Department scores well in survey

04 December 2014

The Emergency Department at Jersey General Hospital has outperformed UK NHS Trusts, an independent survey has found.
Patients who attended the Emergency Department (ED) earlier this year responded to a survey undertaken by the UK-based Picker Institute Europe, which canvassed ED users in 73 different UK hospitals, including Jersey.
A total of 850 patients were sent the survey and 391 replied; Jersey’s 46% response rate was among the highest, compared to a national average of 32%. The Jersey public scored the ED ‘significantly better’ on 21 of the 35 questions asked.
The survey has highlighted many positive aspects of Jersey patients’ ED experience. The aspects of service rated significantly better than UK hospitals were in waiting times, care and treatment provided by doctors and nurses, treating patients with respect and dignity, and the environment. Specific areas that scored very highly were
  • 99% of respondents said that the ED was clean
  • 97% of patients reported a swift handover to ED staff from ambulance crews
  • 95% waited less than two hours to be examined
  • 93% received test results before they went home
The only area identified for improvement was in consideration of the family or home situation for patients when they are discharged. This issue had already been identified and the implementation of a Rapid Response Team for supported home discharge is already underway.

Positive changes over past year

Dr Simon Chapman, Clinical Director for Emergency Care stated “I am delighted with the outcome of this patient survey which reflects the great working atmosphere and professionalism in ED, as well as the positive changes that have been made over the last year. It also has identified areas where we need to improve and work has already begun in relation to the discharge process.”
Gary Kynman, Deputy Director of Operations at the Hospital said “We are very pleased with the results of this independent survey, which allows us to see how our patients’ experience compares with the views of patients attending UK hospitals. Whilst we always strive to keep improving our care, it is encouraging to see how well Jersey measures up – this is a tribute to our skilled and dedicated ED team.”
Mr Kynman added “We would like to thank all those patients who responded to the survey. In healthcare it is important that we listen to the views of our patients so we can continue to improve our services and provide a first class, safe and friendly service for Islanders who need emergency treatment.”


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