05 August 2014
A multi-agency group has released information to support and strengthen support for positive emotional health and wellbeing for Jersey teenagers.
The initiative comes as young Islanders are on their annual school summer holidays, with information being provided online via the States of Jersey and Youth Enquiry Service websites and highlighted on social media.
Martin Knight, Head of Health Improvement, has chaired the multi-agency group including representatives from the Children’s Service, the Education Support Team, ​the Jersey Youth Service and States of Jersey Police, plus organisations such as MIND Jersey, the Samaritans and the NSPCC.
He said​ “We recognise that summer holidays can be a challenging time for parents and carers, and are providing some useful tips and information about how to support young people over the coming weeks.
“We are keen to support young people in the Island to feel good about themselves and get the most from the remainder of their holiday by supporting good emotional health and wellbeing.
“Jersey’s young people generally have a good level of emotional health, and their self-esteem is higher than the UK average.
“We want to build on these factors by encouraging parents and young people to look for opportunities to make day-to-day life over the summer even better.”
Bu​ild​ upon strengths
Jayne Stallard-Moore, Educational Psychologist from the Education Support Team, said “Emotional health and wellbeing involves being able to identify and build upon strengths rather than focusing on fixing problems and weaknesses.
"The more young people can master their emotions, the greater the chance that they can enjoy life generally, cope with stress and work towards achieving goals that fulfil them.”
There are a range of factors that can contribute to good emotional health and wellbeing. These can include: