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Chief Minister to attend World Equestrian Games

04 September 2014

​The Chief Minister, Senator Ian Gorst, and the Chief Minister of Guernsey, Deputy Jonathan Le Tocq, will attend the World Equestrian Games in Normandy this week. The visit, on 5 and 6 September 2014, will be at the invitation of the President of the Regional Council of Lower Normandy, Laurent Beauvais.

The World Equestrian Games, which is held every four years in locations in Europe and America, is currently being hosted in Caen. Senator Gorst and Deputy Le Tocq will be the guests of President Beauvais and the Vice President of the Regional Council, Annie Anne.

As well as attending the games, the chief ministers will visit a reception showcasing business opportunities in Lower Normandy. They will also be guests of honour at a dinner on Friday evening (5 September) and a lunch the following day.

Cultural heritage

Senator Gorst said β€œI am pleased to have been invited by President Beauvais to attend this prestigious event with Deputy Le Tocq. The strong regional relations that the Channel Islands enjoy with our French neighbours are not only a part of our cultural heritage but also an important and valued link with the French Government. As well as attending the games themselves, I will be promoting the Island at business and political meetings.”

Deputy Le Tocq added β€œI am delighted to have been invited to this event with Ian Gorst. It will be an important occasion to meet  a number of French political and business leaders. Normandy and Guernsey share important historic and cultural links, and there are increasing opportunities for greater commercial developments with Normandy and France in the future. So I especially welcome the opportunity to meet again with President Beauvais and Vice-President Annie Anne.”

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