18 September 2014
The plans which are also on display in the piazza at Fort Regent were presented to the public for the first time last Friday. Around 70 people attended the meeting to hear the proposal for the future of one of the Island’s most unique buildings.
The next step
The proposed plans are intended to form part of a business case that will seek funding in the 2016 to 2019 Medium Term Financial plan. They follow two years of work by the Fort Regent Steering Committee, the most recent group to be given the job of redeveloping one of the Island’s unique buildings and address issues such as access, underused spaces and the Fort’s identity as a historic building.
Chairman of the Steering Committee and Assistant Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Eddie Noel said: “I’m delighted that the plans can now be viewed online, I’d also encourage people to visit the Fort and see the display there. It is important that people continue to engage with this project as we have a fantastic opportunity to provide a facility for all Islanders.”
The plans will remain on display at Fort Regent throughout October. There will be another chance for the public to attend a presentation of the plans and ask any questions they may have on the 26 October at Fort for All Day.
​Fort Regent: new design plans
Rediscovering Fort Regent Facebook page​