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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Repair work begins on Gorey Pier

22 July 2014

Work has started on Gorey Pier to repair damaged caused during last winter’s storms and to strengthen the foundations and structure.

The project is due for completion by the end of this year, subject to suitable weather and tidal conditions.

The overall works project has a budget of ÂŁ2.2m, which is allocated from the Ports of Jersey Trading Fund and not through government funding.

Investigations carried out along the pier in recent years have shown that the cracking and movement in certain sections of the pier is continuing. The worst cracking is where the pier has no foundations beneath the outside wall. Some of the work will mean accessing the pier from the beach so can only be carried out at low tide.

Although no night work is planned some noise disturbance is inevitable during the drilling and anchorage stages, but the Port of Jersey is keen to reassure boat owners and businesses in the area that the impact on working life will be minimal and that public access to the pier will still be possible. 

The project is being carried out by local civil engineering contractor, Brenwal who will be working alongside a team from TTS.

Group Capital Projects Manager for Ports of Jersey, David Tisdale, said “Gorey is a working harbour and as such there is a responsibility to everyone who uses it, including boat owners, residents and businesses, to ensure that it remains a safe environment. We have held a series of public information meetings in recent months since we first announced our intention of carrying out the work and now that a contractor has been appointed, work has commenced on this major repair and stabilisation project”.

A similar stabilisation project was successfully carried out on the north pier of St Aubin’s Harbour in 2011.​

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