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Successful meeting at French Parliament

14 February 2014

On Wednesday (12 February 2014), the Minister for External Relations, Senator Sir Philip Bailhache, and Connétable Simon Crowcroft, met the Groupe d’Études des Îles Anglo-Normandes at the Assemblée Nationale in Paris.
The Groupe d’Études is the Assemblée Nationale’s equivalent of the UK Parliament’s All-Party Parliamentary Channel Islands Group. The Groupe’s president, Guénhaël Huet, UMP, discussed ways in which the Channel Islands could continue to broaden their engagement with French politicians. A meeting with France’s Foreign Affairs Committee and the establishment of a Parliamentary Friendship Group (Groupe d'Amitié) were suggested.
Senator Bailhache said 'The meeting was very constructive and demonstrated that there are many matters of mutual interest to Jersey, Guernsey and France, and that the Channel Islands should have more frequent contact with the French Parliament.'
The Groupe also welcomed the 2014 opening of the Bureau des ĂŽles Anglo-Normandes (BIAN) in Caen, and discussed transport links, renewable energy and tourism between the Channel Islands, La Manche and Ille-et-Vilaine.
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