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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Hospitality employers invited to Job Match

13 March 2014

Employers in the hospitality industry are being invited to register for an event where they will meet and interview prospective locally-qualified employees – many of whom are eligible to have the first four weeks of their salary paid by Back to Work.
The Hospitality Job Match event is being held for two hours on Thursday 27 March at Mimosa, Liberty Wharf.
It's the second event at which employers can meet and interview Jersey jobseekers ahead of the coming tourism season. The first job match attracted 26 employers and 240 candidates.

Head of Back to Work, Sophie Le Sueur, said â€śBecause employers have different opening dates, and are hiring staff at different times, we were asked to hold two job matches. We had a very positive level of job offers from the first and I am confident that we will get the same again. This is a great opportunity for us to match Jersey residents who want to work in hospitality with employers who want staff in the coming season. Whether they’re looking for one or 30 staff, employers have the best chance at job match to meet selected candidates, conduct initial interviews, and make their recruitment process quicker and easier.”

Recruits trained in essential skills

The jobseekers employers will meet are all locally-qualified and have been trained in the essential skills needed to work in the industry, or have worked or expressed an interest in working in hospitality.

Employers may also be able to get States financial support for many of the jobseekers through the Hospitality Incentive.

The Job Match is part of the Back to Work Hospitality Campaign which gives Islanders the chance to train and then get a job in the industry. Jobseekers are being trained in the industry’s essential skills, and hospitality employers will be able to claim the minimum wage for the first four weeks of their employment, worth up to £1,129 per employee.

How to attend Hospitality Job Match


Candidates should contact their Back to Work advisor if they would like to attend.

Employers wanting to book a space should email or call Back to Work on +44(0)1534 447411.

Email Back to Work

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