17 December 2014
​A pair of seaside houses from the 1840s and a 1960s town building have been listed and given protection.
The Minister for Planning and Environment, Deputy Steve Luce has designated 1-2 Villa Nuova, La Route de la Haule, St Brelade, a grade 4 status. It is considered to be a good example of an 1840s seaside property and formed part of a group of buildings of a similar age in the area, representing the development of Jersey society at this time.
The site on La Route de la Haule has been the subject of controversial development proposals, recently refused, but this had no bearing on the Minister’s decision to list them.
1960s commercial architecture
The Minister also listed one of the Island’s more modern buildings at Romerils, 17-21 Dumaresq Street. The building, designed by local architect Eric Baker, is considered to be a striking, well executed, and rare local example of purpose-built 1960s commercial architecture. It used materials typical of its time, and was publicly valued and important in the Jersey context. It was also given the status of a grade 4 listed building.
The listings process, run by the Environment Department and Jersey Heritage, identifies and designates important buildings and places in the Island that have special heritage value.
Public importance
Jersey Heritage had recommended that both the St Helier and St Aubin buildings were of sufficient public importance to warrant designation. In both cases, the owners objected to the listing status. The Minister carefully considered all the relevant evidence before making his decision.
The Minister put off a decision on the heritage value of Maison du Mont au Pretre until he has visited the site.