20 February 2014
​A report by independent planning inspectors into the latest review of the Island Plan has been released by the Minister for Planning and Environment.
The report’s authors, independent planning inspectors, Chris Shepley and Alan Langton, have set out their views and comments on proposed changes to the Island Plan. They take account of nearly 700 comments made about the planned revisions. These were made as part of the public consultation and an Examination in Public in January, which considered the most contentious issues and proposed changes.
Deputy Rob Duhamel will now reflect on the inspectors’ comments and their recommendations before deciding whether to amend his proposals to change the Island Plan. The Minister will publish his response to the Inspectors’ recommendations when he lodges his proposed revision to the Island Plan in the States later this year.
Deputy Duhamel said “I am grateful to everyone who has engaged in the Island Plan Review process to date: this ensures that we have as robust an Island Plan as possible. I will carefully consider all of the issues raised and the inspectors’ recommendation in moving this forward to the next stage.”
States Members will have an opportunity to propose their own amendments to the Minister’s proposals. If they raise new issues these will will be the subject of further consultation and independent examination.
It is likely that the proposed changes to the Island Plan will be debated by the States in June.
Volume 1: Report on 2011 Jersey Island Plan Interim Review (1.21MB)
Volume 2: Report on 2011 Jersey Island Plan Interim Review (422KB)