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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Social rented housing increase

17 February 2014

The number of social rented properties in the west of the Island will increase by a third when the Lesquendes development in St Brelade is completed.

The Housing Department currently has 234 homes across St Ouen, St Peter and St Brelade, and an additional 79 homes will be available when work on the Airport Road development is completed in February 2016.

Work on the first phase, 35 two-bedroomed apartments, has already begun and is expected to be completed early next year. Approval for phase two with a further 44 homes, has recently been given. The design which includes two-bedroomed apartments; three-bedroomed houses, one with full disability access; and a carer’s flat, is by local firm Waddington Architects.

Affordable quality homes

Housing Minister, Deputy Andrew Green MBE, said “We have an exciting programme of new build and refurbishment to meet the current and future social housing needs of the Island. The west needs more homes like this and Lesquende is going to meet that need with affordable, quality homes.” 

The development has an underground car park, surface parking and has been landscaped.

ConnĂ©table of St Brelade, Steve Pallett, said “St Brelade has a large, diverse and vibrant community. These homes are not only very welcome, they are essential to meeting the needs of those who are seeking affordable housing solutions.” 

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