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Deputy lays memorial wreath in Belgium

23 October 2014

A wreath has been laid at the Menin Gate on behalf of the States of Jersey.

The wreath was laid by Deputy John Le Fondré during the Last Post ceremony held at the war memorial on Monday (20 October). Deputy Le Fondré was in Ypres, Belgium, as part of a British-Irish Parliamentary Assembly (BIPA) delegation, on which he is Jersey’s representative. Members also visited Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemeteries and other First World War memorials in Flanders and Ypres.

Deputy Le Fondré said “Many Jerseymen made the ultimate sacrifice during the First World War and it was a privilege to be able to lay a wreath in their memory. It was a moving ceremony for all the representatives who were there from the Assembly.”

During the 49th plenary session of BIPA, Deputy Le FondrĂ© attended the Assembly's Committee on Economic Affairs, of which he is a member. The Committee is currently investigating youth unemployment across the BIPA area. 

Deputy Le Fondré added “During the main plenary session, I updated members on Jersey’s current economic position and informed them of the benefit that Jersey brings to the UK economy, as was demonstrated through the Capital Economics Report. I had a number of very constructive and informative discussions with senior parliamentarians from across the UK and Ireland and also with the UK Ambassador to Belgium and the Deputy Mayor of Ypres, all of which were useful in promoting Jersey’s position.”

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