27 February 2014
​National Careers Week runs from Monday 3 to Friday 7 March 2014 and Islanders are being invited to think about what they want to achieve and what career changes they can make.
People of all ages are invited to drop in to Careers Jersey’s La Motte Street offices for free one-to-one career advice and guidance sessions between 10am – 2pm all week.
They will get advice on a range of topics from preparing a good CV, accessing training courses, improving skills and qualifications, to interview advice and practice. In addition, Careers Jersey are also introducing the idea of careers to primary school children through a variety of interactive sessions.
Developing a career path
Head of Careers and Learning Support, Andy Gibbs, said “National Careers Week ties in perfectly with Careers Jersey’s aim to be an impartial, all-age advice and guidance service. Our purpose is to empower local people to acquire the skills and knowledge needed not only to gain employment in a very competitive market, but also to enhance and develop their
current career path.
"These drop-in sessions are a great opportunity for individuals to speak to someone who can provide information on career opportunities across a range of industries, as well as providing access to confidence building courses, career matching, and interview practice. We will also be able to help jobseekers with information about the employment schemes and support
programmes that the States of Jersey can offer.
“This is not an easy time for people who are looking for work or thinking of a career change and we hope that by offering these sessions our advice will be even more accessible than it already is.”
Careers Jersey will be in four schools over the week, giving a range of presentations which introduce the idea of careers to a younger audience.
Education Liaison Manager, Jeremy Field, said “At a time of high youth unemployment there has never been a bigger need for careers guidance to be promoted and celebrated in education. Our interactive sessions are designed specifically for this age group and provide a relaxed forum to explore ideas around careers and jobs. National Careers Week is our platform to advise and inspire our next generation as they enter the world of work.”
Careers Jersey is part of Education, Sport and Culture and is based in the Social Security building on La Motte Street.