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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

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Jersey part of New Jersey celebrations

20 June 2014

Jersey is to be represented at the celebrations to mark New Jersey’s 350th anniversary by the Connétable of St Helier, Simon Crowcroft.

The Connétable will visit the New Jersey towns of Trenton, Princeton and Elizabeth, as part of the civic visit from Sunday 22 to Wednesday 25 June.

The Chief Minister, Senator Ian Gorst, said “I am very grateful to the Connétable for agreeing to represent the Government of Jersey, and the Island, on this important visit. We have strong historical links with New Jersey and the fact that Jersey has been invited to join these important 350th anniversary celebrations is a chance to acknowledge and reflect on them.

“I hope that the visit will strengthen our relationships with major centres and lead to the further development of cultural relations between Jersey and the State of New Jersey.”

Shared heritage

The Connétable of St Helier will be accompanied by Doug Ford, Community Learning Director, Jersey Heritage; and an officer from External Relations during the visit, which was initiated by Senator Ozouf in February 2014.

Mr Crowcroft said “During the visit we will meet senior representatives from New Jersey’s arts, cultural, and historical organisations and I am confident that the links we make will lead to a renewed strengthening and deepening of our ties with our namesake.”


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