28 March 2014
ā€‹Twenty one new homes are to be built at Le Squez Estate following approval by the Planning Applications Panel on 27 March.
As part of a four-stage regeneration plan for the estate, existing homes will be demolished and the new homes will be built to recognised UK standards as part of the States strategy to reform social housing.
This is phase three of the redevelopment, with one more set of homes to be replaced before the project is complete.
The application by Jerseyā€™s Housing Department was for 16 four-bedroom, 4 two-bedroom and 1 three-bedroom homes in a three-storey town house with communal parking. One home is designed for an occupant with disabilities.
The plans follow extensive consultation between the Housing Department, residents and other bodies.
St Brelade application rejected and another approved
Also at yesterdayā€™s meeting, the Planning Applications Panel refused an application to turn a St Brelade home and cattery into four new homes.
There were strong objections from local residents and the development proposals for the site on La Petite Route des Mielles were considered too large.
However, the site is in the built up area and panel members indicated their support for a smaller development on the site.
The panel also gave permission for the owner of a field (Field 621) on La Route de Noirmont, St Brelade, to build a home on the site. The application was for revisions to an existing permission granted in January 2011, following an order of Jerseyā€™s Royal Court.