23 January 2014
​​Work will begin on Monday 27 January to prune trees and clear the bank which forms the boundary between Green Street car park and the parish cemetery as part of preparatory works for the new States of Jersey Police headquarters.
A small number of car parking spaces along the boundary will be closed while the works are completed but, weather permitting, it is expected that this will take a day.
The timing avoids both the active growing period for trees and the nesting period for birds. This means that the works will not cause decline to the trees or have a negative impact on birdlife in the area.
Police headquarters development
The Assistant Treasury Minister, Deputy Eddie Noel, said “These early preparatory works are an important step towards the development of the first purpose-built police headquarters in Jersey’s history. This work complies with a condition on the Planning Permit and has been specified by professionals with the long-term welfare of the trees in mind.
“Over the coming months further important developments are planned to take place, including the submission of a Building Control application, briefing local contractors about the project and the awarding of a contract for construction.
“The project team is focused on starting building work this summer. This will provide further stimulus to our construction industry during what continues to be a difficult time.”
A Building Control application is expected to be made before the end of January 2014, and a number of local contractors have been shortlisted to tender for the headquarter's construction.
It is anticipated that construction work will begin in July and that the building will be completed in June 2016. Other preparatory work will include an archaeological investigation, which is expected to take place shortly before the main contract begins.